Saturday, January 16, 2016

Love Doesn't Discriminate

I had just made a Target run for a few items. It was dinner time and my kids were cranky and hungry. "Hangry", if you will.

I was rushing to get them in the car so we could hurry home and figure out what to eat for dinner. As I pulled up to the stop sign in the parking lot, there was a man asking for money. His sign said that he had a family and that they had lost everything. Anything will help. Initially, I felt sorry for him, then I wondered if he actually needed the money. Or if he did need money, but would spend it on drugs or alcohol. I shouldn't risk it, right? We live off of student loans right now. It doesn't make sense to give him money.

Then, right as I was about to drive past him, I looked back at my toddler. She saw him and she got a big smile on her face and waved to him. He smiled and waved back to her. In that moment, something in my heart knew that this man needed whatever I could give. 

I stopped and gave him just $3. He was so grateful. Thrilled, even. He thanked me profusely, telling me that his family was hit by a drunk driver who didn't have insurance. They had lost everything to pay medical as well as auto expenses. They were now living out of their car. He, his wife and in their car. And here I was, not 5 minutes prior, frustrated and irritable over making dinner when I got home.

But I have food. I have a home. My family is heathy and safe. All of this happened because I saw in my little girl, the ability to see past outward appearances. She didn't care that he needed a hot shower and dental care. She didn't care. She still smiled and waved. So why don't I do that anymore? Yes, there are some who are dishonest, who don't need the money, and taint our ability to have charity. But if I had just taken a minute, I would have had that same feeling. That he needed help. 

I also knew I needed to be an example of charity, love and concern for my daughter. I want her heart to stay loving and kind. I don't want the world to harden her heart towards those who are less fortunate. I am grateful for her reminder, to smile and view everyone as a person whom we can help. I'm grateful for the things my toddler teaches me.